2 years ago...Impact Life Coaching was born!

What is waiting to be birthed in your life and ministry to the world?

Wednesday evening last week...

Mike was out of town in Austin, TX for meetings at the Seminary.

Kids were happily occupied with chores, homework, or play (Imagine that!!)

I decided a glass of wine would be lovely as I prepared our dinner.

As the dark red liquid poured into the glass, I read the engraving (Driftwood Estate Winery) and was instantly taken back to this same week 2 years ago...

We just ended our first year here in Arkansas.

Mike was settling in well as pastor of this church, the kids were making friends and (gasp!) enjoying school, my jewelry business made a successful transition from Florida to Arkansas.

We had the opportunity to get away to Austin together--and we took it!! It's one of our favorite big cities and we hold so many precious memories there from our time at

 Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

--right across the street from the University of Texas. 

Mike found us a small Airbnb in Austin and we enjoyed the time away, just the two of us. We read, we talked, we hiked, we prayed, we dined at our favorite restaurant, 

Trudy's Texas Star

 (stuffed avocado?=heaven!!!), and we visited a winery. It was a great time as a couple!

By this time, all the focus that we had been putting into Mike's career path had come to fruition and found a landing place. Our family was happily resettled and the stirrings that were happening in my heart (and in Mike FOR me) could finally be acknowledged. 

It was time for me to take the next step in my career and ministry for GOD. Premier Designs Jewelry was a wonderful experience for me and my family, but it was time to see where GOD would take me (US!) next.

Mike and I started our time planning and pondering over this. We'd leave it for a while and enjoy an activity or other discussion and then we'd drift right back to this. 

Some of our activities around the discussion of my future career/ministry:

  • list of strengths, gifts

  • brainstorm career ideas

  • list of how GOD has used my skills in the past

  • priority lists

  • activities I enjoy

  • who I work with best (categories of people)

  • family needs

  • investment options (time, money, other resources)

  • further questions for exploration

Looking back....this was a coaching retreat!!!

We left that weekend together with a renewed spirit--both of us!!

No, everything was not answered. But, we BOTH knew we were on the right path. And, we had a plan of action for how to move forward:

  • Research coach training programs.

  • Talk with trusted advisers, mentors, and friends.

  • Pray together.

  • Come back and discuss at a later date.

I was to finish out the fall selling season with my jewelry business and then make my switch! So, in mid-December, I began networking and lining up my first coaching clients, with my official beginning happening in January 2017.

Now, two years later, our family is enriched for the changes that we made. Mike and I can both look back and see lives changed through this work and ministry. I'm continuing to grow and develop and reach new women with this message:

 YOU can live in such a way that brings honor and commitment to your FAITH, your FAMILY, and your CAREER.


Book Review: Daring Greatly


Grace upon Grace...