5 Steps to Move you Toward Your Dreams

Do you have dreams, but don't know how to get started?

Consider these simple ideas to get you going!

1. Get a Bird's-eye View

Daily life can get us caught in the weeds. Hustling from work obligations to children and home life. Battling with allergies and soccer practice. Volunteering at church and having quiet time in the mornings. 

Take some time--even 5 minutes--to rise out of the weeds and get a bigger picture of where you're headed (or where you'd LIKE to go!). Some ideas: journaling, prayer, meditation, talking with your spouse. You can do it!

2. Find Your Tribe

When you have a budding dream, it can be easy for it to wither and for others to discourage you in it. You're still vulnerable to doubt and criticism. I encourage you to find a tribe of others who will encourage you! It can be IRL(In Real Life), like a small group, moms group, book club, close friend, mentor, etc. Or, it can be virtual. There are some fabulous on-line groups and resources for women going after their dreams.

3. Write Them Down

This can be scary and vulnerable--because it makes them REAL! But, it's an important step. It's the difference between a dream and a goal. Once you write it down, post your goal(s) somewhere visible. Some ideas: bathroom mirror, car dashboard, vision board, refrigerator, bulletin board. This one action will help you move toward your goal. It helps you to keep it top of mind and top priority.

4. Acknowledge Your Strengths & Use Them

As women, we often notice our short-comings and faults much quicker than our strengths. We don't want to be seen as prideful and self-centered. However, GOD has given special gifts and talents to each of us--for the precise purpose of building the kingdom and touching the lives of others--for making an IMPACT! So, what gifts and talents has GOD given to you? Take some time to note them, practice them, and use them for the betterment of those around you and for the achievement of your goals.

5. Take Baby Steps

You're a busy woman with a lot of responsibilities and people depending on you already! You have time for dreams and to take steps toward your goals, however, be gentle with yourself. It's not going to happen over night. These truly good things will take time.

I want to urge you to not wait until you know the whole plan before you get started. It's in the doing that you'll best find your way. So, go ahead, start with a couple of small steps in the direction of your dreams and see how it works!

Is it getting you closer? Great, keep going!!

Did you take a mis-step or something didn't work? That's ok, you can try again!

That's the joy of baby steps. You can make progress on your own terms and in your own time. Sometimes moving quicker. Sometimes moving slower.

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4

Upcoming events

Having a hard time finding your tribe of supporters on this journey? Let me help! Check out your options for encouragement, accountability, and coaching.

1. FREE!!! Follow my page on Facebook. For the entire month of October, I'll be posting two live videos a week to walk you through the Goal Setting Process and encourage you! I'll give you small steps that you can accomplish in short amounts of time. You can comment with questions or ideas and I'll address them on that video, or on the next ones to come!

2. Goal Setting Workshop--A great, one day intensive workshop that will leave you ON FIRE?? for your dreams in 2020!!

Cost $150.

Two dates available: Oct 25 & Nov 8.

3. Private Coaching--Need something more personalized and adjusted to your needs? Let's have a free consultation to see how private coaching with me can change your trajectory.  


A Season for Gratitude...


Goal Setting...Laying a Solid Foundation