A fun summer read ???

A Year of Biblical Womanhood by Rachel Held Evans is a fun book that makes you laugh AND think at the same time...a good combination, in my opinion!

A great summer read!

Anyone else looking for a fun summer read that goes well by the pool, at the beach, traveling via car or plane, or just hanging out at home?

A Year of Biblical Womanhood by Rachel Held Evans is a great one! I read this in the fall and really enjoyed it. 

Several times I laughed out loud while reading this book! It provided a lot to think about and prompted many discussions with my small group, other friends, and husband. You can find one of my favorite nuggets from the book on my website.

A Fun Bit of Fiction

I picked this one up for $1 on a trip to Goodwill! Alternating fiction and non-fiction is one of the ways I keep my reading active and routine. I just love getting lost in a story! 

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger had been on my reading list for a while and then I followed it up by watching the movie on Amazon Prime--anyone else love doing that?

It's a little tricky getting into the story in the first couple of pages because you have to get used to how the time jumps around, but you quickly get used to the format of the book and fall in love with the story.

The book is definitely better than the movie, but the movie's not bad for a fun summer flick.

What I'm Reading Now...

Anybody else enjoying their new discovery of the enneagram? I started with The Road Back to Youby Ian Cron, but am learning new depth and dimensions of the ancient tool with this book. 

The Sacred Enneagram: Finding Your Unique Path to Spiritual Growth

Christopher L. Heuertz

I hope you're having a great start to your summer vacation!

We are in the midst of a Florida trip--enjoying friends, family, and time in the sun.?


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