Abundance Mindset

Are you a glass half empty or half full type of person? Do you often feel like you have plenty of resources to offer? Or feel like you're running on fumes?

God has pointed out to me lately that this is an area of growth. I never think of myself as a pessimist, or glass half-empty type of person, but I often feel like I don't have "enough." So, I'm working on that this year!

And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.

2 Corinthians 9:8

I've posted this scripture in several places around my home--my kitchen, back door (so I can see it on my way out), bathroom. And I've added it to my scripture ring!

Today I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts, EO Fire and heard an interview with Paul Moore, an entrepreneur who has a lot to say about abundance. Here are some tidbits that stuck with me:

  • Who you are today is a mini-version of who you're becoming and who you'll be in the end. So, don't wait for success to come in one fashion or another before you start doing the things you want to do or acting the way you want to act. Do it now!

  • Money will magnify your strengths and weaknesses. Is generosity a strength? You'll be generous with your money. If you're scared you won't have enough, it will always seem that your dollar doesn't go far.

  • Start being generous (in a prayerful way) with your time, money, and resources today and that will help you get to a place of abundance.

Wow! Great things for me to think and pray about as God leads me on this journey. I'm praying for eyes that see opportunities for me to be generous and for a spirit of abundance.

Maybe this is where you'd like to grow, too. Or, maybe this is easy for you, and God is stretching you in different ways. I'd love to hear from you! Where do you need inspiration?


What Is Burnout?


Scripture Rings