First Day of School...New Routines, Fresh Start

Picture's the end of May and a busy school year. We're ALL ready for a break and a bit of relaxation. The first few weeks of summer are pure in pjs, no morning rushes, no homework, and few extra-curricular activities. It's the break we all need.

Now picture's the end of July. The kids are squabbling. They're rooms look like a bomb exploded and you don't know the last time they had a bath. Has summer bliss taken a detour or what??!

I don't know about you guys, but by the end of summer I'm tired of unstructured time and the slow deterioration of our normal, school-time routines. The lack of structure to our days and weeks causes me stress, the kids get grumpy, and I find that most of the work of household management and keeping people entertained falls to ME....which leaves very limited time for work and self-care.

Structured routines in a household allow for all members to contribute and do their part, for momma to nag less, and also leave space for FUN to happen!

And the start of the school year is the perfect time for a reboot! A time to consider what worked well for you before, what was a complete mess, what outcomes you'd like to achieve as a family, how the kids have grown, and what new household/life skills they may be ready to learn.

Get the kids involved!

Here are some areas where routine and systems are especially helpful:

  • Morning Routines

  • After-school Chores

  • Night-time Rituals

Every member of your house wants to have a part in setting up family routines. If you can use their ideas and input toward the systems you put into place they'll have more buy-in and interest in actually following through.

What have been helpful areas for your family to contribute in the household?

I'll be sharing ideas and resources for how to work on these routines with your own family over the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned! If you have other ideas to share or places where you'd like help be sure and let me know. I'd love to include your ideas and thoughts!In the meantime, if you're looking for an accountability group to help you stick with routines, please consider the IMPACT Academy. Registration is happening now for courses in August and September. Just send me a message to find out more!


Morning Routines: A proven method for keeping your sanity!


Prayer & Meditation: Diving into a Deeper Relationship with the LORD