How to Start Living with Purpose, Passion, and Focus Every Day!

Imagine this. You’re nestled in the sweet state of peaceful sleep.  Suddenly you’re issued an invitation to rejoin the world through the alarm buzzing on your nightstand. 

As you awaken to a new day what thoughts flood your mind? What feelings do you experience?

Are you flooded with feelings of overwhelm and dread, thinking you’re already behind and the day hasn’t even started?  Or are you swept up with anticipation and purpose, confident that you have a strategy for how you’re going to make the most of your day?

If you find yourself in the first category you’re certainly not alone. Like you, I’ve lived with life calling the shots and bouncing from one thing to another with no plan or focus. That’s not me anymore and it doesn’t have to be you either!

Here’s the great news! There are some habits and helps that will turn you from an aimless person who feels lost and overwhelmed to an excited, focused, passion-filled Child of God!

Join me this April for Win the Day Book Club as we learn how to:

  • Stop fixating on the past or worrying about the future and start enjoying the present.

  • Define each day’s win - What’s Important Now? 

  • Adjust your daily rhythm for maximum focus and productivity.

  • Go to bed with peace and wake with purpose.

April 6th, 13th & 20th

Lunch Edition: 11:30am - 1:00pm

Dinner Edition: 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Only $175!

Sign up now for the Lunch Edition!

Sign up now for the Dinner Edition!

By signing up you will receive:

  • The Win the Day Book

  • Three group coaching sessions

  • A 45-minute one-on-one coaching session with me

  • Encouragement, safe community, accountability

  • And a lot of motivation to change your life one successful habit at a time!

And if you complete all three virtual sessions and are not 100% satisfied you’ll get a full refund (so the only risk you’ll make is the risk of losing another day, week, month or year to aimlessness, overwhelm, and depression)!

Here’s how to register:

  1. Register for the Lunch Edition OR the Dinner Edition

  2. Show Up to the Virtual Sessions

  3. Achieve Motivation, Focus & Purpose.

Or click the buttons below!

Lunch Edition!

Dinner Edition!

Isn’t it time you live your meaningful life one-day-at-a-time?

Coach Kendis

People who know Kendis say that she is able to see the God-given potential in every person. Kendis’s greatest passion is helping people discover their compelling purpose, tap into their potential, and create a strategy to fulfill it every day. She is happily married to her husband, Kevin, and they have two children, one son-in-law, and two granddogs.

PS - I have openings for private coaching sessions! If you’re ready to take back power over your time and energy, let’s chat! We can have a simple coaching chat together to answer all of your questions.

Schedule Your Appointment!


Spring is here...are you growing a new venture?


Dear Burnt Out Business Woman,