Investing time and energy into building a business AND building a family at the same time is tough!

Whether you are starting a new business or continuing the one that you’ve been working on, I think we can all relate to the fact that investing in your business AND raising your family at the same time can be extremely difficult. I mean, how do we find the time, energy, passion, and mental capacity to balance both things that are so important to us?

Hard truth moment here, folks. You don’t. 😭

I know, I know!! That’s just as hard for me as it is for you. I WISH I could do ALL the things that would make my business soar to the top AND all of the things that “good” mothers do...fancy lunches, home-cooked meals, epic birthday parties, and sparkling clean homes.

The truth is this--We have to make decisions about what’s REALLY important to us in each of these arenas and find ways to keep ourselves focused and accountable to stay on track. Mom guilt, not-doing-enough guilt, and can’t-keep-everything-above-water guilt will always try to sneak in. But, when you’re intentionally living your life with harmony, those voices (you know, the ones that always say you’re not doing enough) will fall on deaf ears.


It’s the ebb and flow of work and family. Choosing the times when one will take precedence over the other. What tasks can you consolidate, delegate, or put to the bottom of the list? When is quality more important than quantity? What strategies are accessible to us to make workflow easier? What do we really need to say no to so we can say yes to our true desires?

It’s tough to take the time and mental energy to figure this out on your own. And confusing! That’s why I wanted a group of like-minded women to work it out with. That’s why I started the Impact Mastermind.

"The Mastermind is life-giving for a small business owner. It’s lonely at the top and having these ladies with a gifted facilitator has gotten me through so much in the last year!"

Amanda Bledsoe

Owner, Bledsoe Chiropractic

The Impact Mastermind was designed for you to have your own trusted advisory board - a board of women who have different strengths and backgrounds that can really speak into your specific pain points to help get you closer to your goal.

Time and time again, I see God orchestrate the right people for the right group at just the right time. He truly does use our strengths to empower others in their weaknesses and vice versa.

"There’s something magical and powerful about a group of women determined to grow, to serve with purpose and presence, and to live a life that makes an impact. It starts with courage over comfort and I’m all in."

Becca Mitchell

Owner, Colson LLC & Beauty + Business Mentor

This summer, I’d like to offer you a bite-sized portion of the Impact Mastermind. I call it the Mini Mastermind!!

Ok, so naming things isn’t my forte….but coaching is!! ;) Hahaha!!

"My goal starting out was to get prepared to open my own salon and I did it! I opened on April 6th. Selena and the girls were encouraging and full of great advice to guide me through this momentous journey. I started masterminds with a dream of being a salon owner and now I’m living that dream!"

—Madelyn Miner

Owner, Mad House Beauty Salon

Here are all those fine print details you’re so curious about:

  1. 6 seats per mastermind 

  2. 3, 90-minute virtual meetings (1 meeting per week!)

  3. 1 private coaching session

  4. 1 book to read as we grow together

  5. A private message board so you can share your successes and challenges with the group and get feedback/encouragement

  6. Opportunity for an in-person mixer with all the mastermind groups (great networking opportunity!)

  7. 2 mastermind times for you to choose from: 

    1. Tuesday: 8am-9:30am

    2. Wednesday: 8am-9:30am

    3. You can choose to do June or July. You can also do both!

    4. Pricing:

      1. 1 month is $175

      2. 2 months is $300

Let's Chat!

PS. All you mama’s who are also hustling with your business - I totally get how sometimes you can feel so alone in a sea of people… And you can only ask your hubby and best friend so many times their opinion on that thing you’re working on.

I want to give you space to say, “what do you think of this?” and get incredible feedback from women who really get where you are and understand your why. There’s nothing quite like feeling seen, heard, and understood by like-minded women.

Book a coaching chat with me, and let’s talk about the Mini Masterminds and/or my private coaching options. I would love to work alongside you on your journey!

Coach Selena

Let's Chat!


Creating a Life with Freedom


Spring is here...are you growing a new venture?