Momma Needs Some Help! Getting Chores On A Schedule

Getting chores on a schedule and routine make them easier to maintain and get the other members of the family involved.

I know that we all know this feeling--whether or not our house looks exactly like this picture. The feeling that things around your house are out of control, you've had enough, and no one seems to mind the chaos quite as much as you do.

Routines and help around household chores are a common need for SO MANY families!!! You look at your house and think you're the only one with this problem--it's just not true! We've ALL been there at one time or another.This is a part in my series on New School Year, New Routines. Last week, I shared with you how a Morning Routine can help you keep your sanity and prepare for the day ahead. Today, we'll address routines around chores and getting the rest of your family on board.And as you read, remember this. No plan is perfect. And you will still have occasional days like the one pictured above, but, hopefully, you'll have a solution for how to get back on track again! ;)

Step 1: Use a cleaning schedule

I hate cleaning. There--I said it. I don't notice that something needs cleaning until it is beyond disgusting and if there is cleaning on my to-do list, I can ALWAYS find something more important (read: enjoyable) to be doing.

A cleaning schedule has been the solution for me. Why? It breaks the cleaning down in to smaller tasks that don't seem like such a chore, I can do each chore of the day in about 10 minutes, and there's a rotation so my entire home is getting attention.

There are so many cleaning schedules out there! This one is my personal favorite because the list is SHORT and I get two days OFF!

Here's what a cleaning schedule can do for you:

  • Clearly lines out expectations for the household.

  • Success is defined and understood.

What is going to work for you in a cleaning schedule? Do you want to clean a little every day, or would you rather reserve one day a week, or even a month to clean? What makes the most sense with the needs of your family and lifestyle?Another key to a successful cleaning schedule: POST IT. You (and the rest of the family) will need a reminder of the goal.

  • Family Calendar

  • Phone/Personal Calendar

  • Bulletin Board

  • Other Chore List

Step 2: Talk with the other responsible adults in the home

What's important to them? How would they like to contribute to the tidiness?

(Polite conversation while sitting peacefully on the couch may not be realistic! LOL In our house, we would probably be in our pjs, toys piled high on the coffee table in front of us, and a kid coming out of their room to tell us they need one more drink of water!!)

Step 3: Get the kids on board

The kids in this picture just crack me up!!! Raise your hand if your kids ever look like this while doing their chores! Yep. A lot of the time, my kids do their chores as expected--and they're even happy to help! And, a lot of the time, they do their chores with grumbling and under threat of dire consequences. LOL!! I love what Regina Pally has to say about kids and chores.

My #1 Parenting Goal: Raise children with a strong faith in GOD.

My #2 Parenting Goal: Raise children that turn in to great, responsible adults who contribute positively to society.

You know what that means? I have to teach my children to WORK and CONTRIBUTE to our family!I believe that we should give our children two types of chores. They need the kind of chores they do for FREE because they are a member of the family and they need to learn to care for themselves and to give expecting nothing in return. Additionally, they need the kind of chores they do for PAY because they need to learn that MONEY comes from hard WORK.

For some great tips and teaching on kids, chores, and pay check out Smart Money, Smart Kids. That is a fantastic resource from Ramsey Solutions which is really helpful.

Step 4: Put it all together

Once you've decided on your schedule and gotten the necessary participants on board, it's time to divide and conquer. Here's how it works for me:

  • I follow the schedule above, tweaking for my own personal taste/interest.

  • I set the kid's chores to follow the schedule, too. For example, on Mondays, everyone in the house is cleaning ONE ASPECT of the bathroom. Lena (the 4 year old) wipes down the sinks, Glendon (the 9 year old) is learning to clean toilets and empties the trash, Beka (the 14 year old) cleans the shower/tub, and mom (that's me!) can come behind and run the mop over the floor. DONE! And everyone had <10 min of work.

What other areas of life/work do you need help setting up support systems and help?

Where else are you feeling that all of the details are up to you?


Grace upon Grace...


Morning Routines: A proven method for keeping your sanity!