Prayer Partners

Have you ever tried this form of prayer and connection with another? Keep reading for benefits and tips to get started!

For the first time

The first time I tried having a prayer partner was probably around 7 years ago. Glendon was a baby and I was working hard in my "Jewelry Lady" business, our church, and home. It was a lot to handle! I joined with two other moms who were working their businesses along-side their crazy mom-life--just like me!

What a blessing to have the support of others as I walked my path! The three of us formed a tight bond that exists today, although the formal "prayer partner" portion has come to a close.

We helped each other through:

  • self-confidence

  • business development

  • parenting

  • marriage

And why do I want one?

A prayer partner is a trusted friend. Someone you have joined in agreement with to pray for and over each other. You DO NOT have to have a deep relationship outside of this partnership for it to be valuable. It is usually NOT your best friends .

A prayer partner can be especially helpful if you are trying to grow in a specific area of your life or if you are facing a situation or change in which you feel alone and vulnerable. One of the greatest benefits of a prayer partner is the increased strength coursing through your body just knowing that another is in agreement with your petitions to GOD.

A few tips for Prayer Partners:

  • Find someone in a similar spiritual place.

  • Mentoring is valuable (on both the giving and receiving end) but is an entirely different experience.

  • Set up a consistent meeting time and hold that time sacred.

  • I suggest once a week or every two weeks. Longer than that makes it difficult to build the intimacy necessary.

  • Give each person a chance to speak/share.

  • It can be over the phone or in person. Personally, I have only done over the phone.

  • Make sure you both have an equal commitment to the relationship. It's ok to discover after the fact that you don't and to make a change.

  • It is helpful to be working toward a common goal. (business growth, parenting, spiritual walk, life change, health goal, etc.)

  • Same-gender partners are recommended. It can be an intimate relationship and you want to be sure to not cross any boundaries.

  • Looking for a prayer partner? Just ask!! First ask the LORD to point out a possible candidate and then ask the person.

Just yesterday, as I hung up the phone with my current prayer partner, I was feeling such a peace. Knowing that the LORD put someone across my path that cares about my "little" problems or hurdles to take time out of her day to pray for me is miraculous!


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