Weekly Planning & Reflection

The important next steps in taking your goals from dreams to reality!

Identifying and setting a personal mission statement and yearly goals can be invigorating. If you've been to one of my goal-setting workshops, you likely left feeling inspired to reach your full potential. But what follows--and what can be a stumbling block to many--is putting in the day-to-day work to achieve those goals.

You've done the work in the goal-setting workshop (or on your own!) and come up with your 3-5 goals for the year...now what? How do you ensure you don't stray from the path of achieving those goals throughout the year, realizing six months in that you haven't been progressing the way you intended?

I recently listened to an episode of the AchievingOPTIMAL podcast with Tommy Newberry in which he talks about the importance of weekly planning. This is particularly important, he notes, in relation to keeping up with yearly goals. As Tommy says, "a great life is, more than anything else, an accumulation of great weeks."

Listen to the podcast here!

I couldn't agree more! Stay on top of your yearly goals by checking in with yourself each week.

 Block off 15-20 minutes in your schedule each week for this exercise

. It helps if you set aside the same time each week, so you can get in the routine of this weekly ritual. I like to do this on Sunday afternoon.

Approach each weekly check-in prayerfully and begin by

1. Review your personal mission statement. Bring your personal calendar as well as the journal you use for tracking your goals. Then, begin 


 on how you are working toward achieving your personal goals. How'd things go the last 7 days?

2. In your journal, write down your top five goals. 


 your schedule for the coming week and bullet list the activities that are leading toward achieving any or all of those goals. Are there activities that are leading away or keeping you from moving toward your goals? Are there activities that can help move you toward your goals that you need to plan or make time for?

3. Make a 


. After prayerful consideration of what activities are benefiting you, hindering you, or need to be added/removed, make adjustments to your calendar accordingly.

Here's a free graphic you can use to keep yourself on track. Give it a try as you close out the year and let me know what you think!


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How do I handle all this stress??!!


Start Up, Start Over