Design Your Life Retreat 2024

Mt. Magazine State Park, Arkansas

Have you been caught up in the swirl of a busy and full life?

  • Entrepreneurs, busy business owners, and tired parents are trying to do all the things and squeeze in as much as possible into every day. Don’t give in to the chaos!!

  • Are you ready to go from scattered and distracted to focused and determined?

  • The Design Your Life Retreat is structured to help business owners, parents, and entrepreneurs chart a path to success and impact.

  • Together, we will work to discover your core values and priorities, define your purpose, and set goals. We want to give you the tools and support you need to design and live your best life and set your 2025 up for success!

Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.

About Me

I’ve lived in a place of unbalance, overburden, and exhaustion. Just six years ago, I was there. I had three children, one of which was a newborn, and a husband who was suffering from a severe case of burn out from his work in ministry.

I was an elementary school teacher and had to return to work when my baby was just 5 weeks old. I had too many bills, an abundance of responsibilities, and a lack of joy and fulfillment.

I know what it feels like to always be at the end of your rope and still have people WAITING for you to show up and meet their needs.

I ALSO know what it feels like to design a life that aligns with your values. I know what it’s like to live a life in HARMONY with your faith, family, and career. That is what I and my family have chosen for ourselves. And where, I’m so blessed to be able to say, we live now.

It hasn’t been easy. And, it wasn’t a straight line from where we were six years ago to where we are now. But, it’s possible.

And, I know the steps and choices it takes to get there. It’s not a prescribed journey and recipe. It’s highly personalized and individually relevant.

I’d be honored to work with YOU in finding HARMONY with your faith, family, and career.