A Time to Work and a Time to Play

When we take deliberate, intentional time for both, we spend more time looking ahead and less time looking in the rear view mirror.

What do you think about that??!! ??

Hey there, hard worker. You sure did read that verse correctly! In Ecclesiastes, the writer very famously tells us there is a time for every purpose under the sun, including a time to play or, as this version states, to eat, drink and enjoy life. In fact, there is nothing better than to experience happiness ALONG WITH all the hard work GOD gives to us.

Do you find that when you're at work, you're thinking of all the things you could be doing at home or with your family? Or that when you're with your family or friends and having fun, you're feeling guilty about all the work you "should" be doing in the office or the laundry room? That's called looking in the rear view mirror. And I bet you'd like that to stop.

Looking out the windshield is a much more pleasant feeling when we can be happy about where we're choosing to go and how we're choosing to spend our time.

When you plan ahead, for BOTH a time to work and a time to play, you'll find guilt taking the back seat (and maybe even getting stowed in the trunk!!) and you'll be able to look forward to where you're going.

What might this look like in real life??


I have a friend who is parenting a 2 year old while working from home. She makes a point to get on the floor and play with him for 30 minutes every day--legos, trucks, coloring.  

Then, when it's time for her to work, it's easier to say, "Let mommy do this work right now and I'll come play with you in 10 min."


Another friend is a business owner and mom of two school age children. She opens her business 4 days a week and takes the other day for self-care during the school day and fun with the kids in the afternoon.

How would you like to set up your days so that you always have a time to work and a time to play ahead?

Why is #timemanagement so important?

This right here!!! 

We all want to spend more time with the people we love--without the stress, burden, and heavy heart that packed schedules always seem to bring.

I'm not perfect at this by any means...I learn something new every session of the Time Management Book Club!

But, I always want to be improving and re-evaluating so that I can have the energy and resources for things that I love...like date nights with my youngest daughter!

Some of my #favoritethings with my time...

✝Faith: I SAVOR my morning yoga, meditation, and Bible time.

?‍?‍?‍? Family: We love hiking at Arkansas State Parks and playing the Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle card game.

?Career: I LOVE meeting with my clients in private and group coaching sessions.

What are some favorite ways to spend your time?


Forget the lie, we actually DO have time in abundance!


Finding Time to Read