Book Review: Present Over Perfect

A must read!!

Do you see this wonderful group of ladies?? This is my small group from church, my BFFs, those ladies that have my back. And I have theirs, too. Why? Because we're all mothers struggling to make those decisions that seem small, but sometimes feel like they'll have a huge impact on your day or life.

We all struggle with our long list of "to-do"s and also remember to be loving, caring, and present for our families. This spring, we decided to read the book Present Over Perfect together.

Feeling Out of Whack...

I love Shauna's casual writing and style. It's so easy to identify with her and find similarities to my own struggles. She is a high-achiever, writer, mom of two, wife, pastor's daughter, speaker, and influencer who discovered that living her "dream" wasn't such a dream after all. Her efforts toward perfection in her career and ministry led her to absence from GOD, her inner self, and her family.

Finding the Center...

While Shauna takes you through the steps of her own transformation, you have the opportunity for transformation yourself. 

The text and stories are so casual, personal (and funny!!) that you will easily be able to find the nuggets of discovery and apply them to your own life.

If you've read my last several emails about burnout, you have seen some of the treasures that have spoken to me--especially in regards to slowing down, allowing imperfection so there is more space for presence with God and loved ones.

Buy the book!

Listen, I'm NOT gaining anything by putting this button on the blog. I just want to make it easy for you if you're interested in this book. Read it yourself moms, give it as a gift for Mother's Day dads, recommend it to a friend by forwarding this email. Let me know what you think!!


Replacing Old Thought Patterns


How Can I Prevent Burnout? Or Recover From It?