How Can I Prevent Burnout? Or Recover From It?

So, do you feel like these posts have been describing exactly where you are? Or you’re pretty close to it? Never fear, you’re not alone! Many people in today’s busy, fast-paced, multi-tasking world have been right where you are. Remember, my husband went through this not too long ago. Here are some tips that have helped me and many others avoid the extreme feelings, or come out of the fog of burnout.

First, and, I think, most importantly--Get with God.

When you’re in extreme burnout mode, God may seem too distant or far off to reach. Make an attempt anyway. Yell at God if you have to. God understands. Go ahead and speak out your troubles. Then, ask for help. The Mighty One will come to your aid.

Next, it’s time for some self-care.

I think you’ve got some healing to do! By self-care, I do NOT mean vegging out in front of the TV for a Netflix marathon, getting a mani/pedi, going on a shopping spree, or sleeping for an entire day. 

Now, I’m not saying these activities are inherently bad or you shouldn’t do them, but many times we use these as escape tactics—ways to avoid thinking about our lives or facing our problems. Here are some (hopefully better) solutions:

  • Take a day off!

  • Spend time with a trusted friend.

  • Read a good book.

  • Write in a journal.

  • Practice yoga.

  • Have a specific time for fasting and/or prayer. It’s amazing how the LORD will speak to you when you do these spiritual practices.

How will you have the space for this self-care? Please, please, please set some boundaries. They are for yourself and those around you. What have you been doing that has been draining your energy and/or emotional resources? STOP. What demands have been placed on you from the outside (intentional or not) that you need to let go? LET IT GO. (Your welcome. I’ve got the song in my head now, too.)

Here are a few words of wisdom from Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist:

Just because you have the capacity to do something

doesn’t mean you have to do it.

Be careful how much you give yourself away--even with the best intentions.

All of this is hard!!! You may need the help of an accountability partner. Ask a trusted friend or mentor for help.

Are you depressed or in a funk? Seek counseling with a professional—pastor or counselor.


Book Review: Present Over Perfect


Why Am I Experiencing Burnout?