Go from Scattered to Distracted to Focused and Determined!

Are you sick and tired of not having a plan for your life? Do you find yourself living in a state of reaction instead of intention? 

Maybe your business has blown up overnight and now you need a plan to maintain and grow.

Maybe your kids are going through a huge transition, and you're not sure how it's going to affect your schedule. 

Or maybe you have a dream that you're ready to pursue, and you're not sure where to start.

I’m going to cut to the chase - you are the hero of your own story! I am here to guide you through every step of the way, but you have to show up and know that your values, priorities, and the life you desire are worth pursuing and intentionally going after. 

No one is going to live your life for you!! It's worth the time you have to set aside, it's worth the no's you're going to have to dish out, and it's worth the intentionality of creating and sticking to your goals. 

ALL of your goals (those that you can clearly state AND those that are hidden under the dust of busyness and obligation) are important and worth your focus!

I've created something to strategically take you from scattered and distracted to focused and determined! 

Trust me. You, your business, and your family will thank me later. :)

Join Me in Design Your Life Workshop

Meet your new favorite life hack - Design Your Life Workshop - Creating goals that make an Impact.

This is not like your typical workshop where you only walk away with a page full of notes and no clear direction. In my Design Your Life workshop, you will be set up to actively and intentionally move forward with realistic goals that bring harmony to your daily life. (Repeaters are welcome! You can do this workshop time and time again, and still walk away with something new every time.)

We will do this together:

1. Discover your core values and priorities

2. Define your purpose

3. Set 3-5 goals for the next year (realistic and attainable - there's no losing around here!)

4. Zoom calls to share progress and discuss an action plan

5. *Optional private coaching to guide you through the next steps

Sign up today!

Design Your Life workshops will be offered through January!

*I’m offering $50 off the first 2 workshops in October!*

Coupon Code: OCTGOALS

So, what are you waiting for?!

-Coach Selena

Sign up today!


Growth is not possible without evolution!


Moving from overwhelmed and fearful to courageous and balanced