Moving from overwhelmed and fearful to courageous and balanced

How are we already living in August?! I’m not going to lie - I’ve never been more excited to kiss my kids’ squishy cheeks and take my minivan on two wheels out of the schoolyard. 😂 Personally, my kids have not been in school since Spring of 2020 so this mama is READY!!

And I know it’s not just me…. I've been talking to my private coaching clients, and there seems to be a common theme for several of us mama's who are trying to balance it all.

If you're feeling frazzled, overwhelmed, can't keep your head above the back-to-school water, and feeling like you're going to wake up and find your keys in the freezer any day now, you are NOT alone. (I've planned something special just for you - I promise it's going to change your life and streamline your goals!)

Learn More!

I am so excited to announce that I’ll be hosting my 10th Mastermind starting this September where I help both women who have a business idea AND women who already have an established business reach their goals!! My heart for this Mastermind is to see us all move from overwhelm and fear to courage and balance.

Let me give you an inside peek at one woman who has participated in Mastermind since the beginning!

When Chris Jennings, owner of Cross Creek Sandwich Shop joined the mastermind group, her goal was to focus on growing her business ownership skills. But let me tell you - she walked away with much more!

Our group helped her:

  • Create an employee handbook and training manual

  • Strategize her marketing plan

  • Prioritize website development

  • Begin curbside delivery during a pandemic

  • Develop new ways to serve her customers safely and still make a profit

  • Organize her thoughts into actionable steps

 "I didn't know I needed a life coach until I had one!" - Chris

Sign up to join the Mastermind *starting September 13th*!

I created the Mastermind to be a close knit community so seats are limited!

Sign Up!

Wondering what in the world the Mastermind is really going to be like?!

Here are the top 5 things you need to know:

1. Mastermind meets 2/month, September - beginning of December.

2. At every session, you get to share the progress you're making on that goal.

3. You'll receive encouragement and feedback (and even resources from other members in the group! PS. This is a great networking opportunity.)

4. You'll be held accountable for taking baby steps towards your goal.

5. You’ll get a free Enneagram assessment and training to help you grow in productivity.

I cannot wait to hear about that dream you've been working on!!

Sign Up!

- Coach Selena


Go from Scattered to Distracted to Focused and Determined!


Creating a Life with Freedom