Impact Coaching Minis

A new way to receive coaching tips, tidbits, and inspiration via Facebook Live. Check it out!

If your life is anything like mine (and I strongly suspect that it is!) it's hard to think of squeezing in another obligation--whether it's for my benefit or not!

That's why I'm so excited to offer #ImpactCoachingMinis on Facebook live!! It's a quick video, 5 minutes or less, that will give you actionable tips, tidbits, and inspiration for finding harmony with your faith, family, and career. 

Some topics already on my list: 

  • Goals Journal

  • Calendar sharing

  • Morning routine

  • Yoga

  • Prayer Journal

  • Setting up Support Systems

  • Self Care

  • Time Management

  • Saying No

I bet you have some topics around which you'd appreciate a quick tip or suggestion! Please share! I want to serve YOU!

Simple steps:

1. Like and Follow my business Facebook page here. All of the live streams will start here.

2. Make sure you have notifications turned ON. Then, you will be alerted every time there's a new video!

3. Watch live or anytime that you have a 5 minute opportunity. (I mean, who doesn't have 5 minutes of waiting in the car line, standing in the grocery store line, during the kids' dance lessons, etc.)

4. Comment with your thoughts and ideas on future topics.

5. SHARE, share, share!!! Please share the live streams on your feed so that more of your friends and family can have access to a coach, too!

Oh yeah, and did I mention there's a contest??!! I'm learning a lot about serving people through social media and I'd like your help! Through the end of December, I'll be offering #ImpactCoachingMinis 5-7 days a week. The person with the most shares in this time period will get a prize!! You'll have to watch to find out more!

I'm confident you'll find value in this new offering. Your feedback is welcome and encouraged! Thank you!!


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