2018 is coming fast...Are you ready??

Steps for setting goals that will get your new year started off right.

As a busy mom with so many obligations, expectations, and desires my attention is easily pulled in several, competing directions. One of the questions I get asked most is

How do I choose my priorities?

When we are struggling to find harmony with our faith, family, and career, the most important thing we can do to take control of our lives is to set clear and measurable goals.

This will give you a sense of purpose, accomplishment, and success! Doesn't that sound so good?!?

Below, you will find the steps I have used for the last 7 years to set goals for myself, my family, and now my coaching clients. You're getting a synopsis of the steps. Go ahead and give them a try! See what a difference goal setting can make to your mental state and day-to-day life.

I know you can do it!!

Part I: Catching the Dream and Brainstorming for the Vision

1. Plan an uninterrupted time block of 1-2 hours. (YES--this CAN be done!!! It's important. Make it a priority.) You can do smaller chunks, if necessary. 

2. Start with a brainstorm goals list. It will be helpful to break it into categories. This is to help the dreaming begin and open your mind up to the possibilities. Here are some possible categories: Career, Faith, Children, Spouse, Fun, Financial, Health, Friends, Hobbies,  Spiritual gifts, etc...

Think of this like a lifetime bucket list. Dream. Nothing is impossible! Each goal can be small or large. This is a great place to involve your family, too. Spouses and children can have a lot of fun ideas that you'll want to incorporate!

3. Write out a 9 year vision. Where do you want to be in 9 years? What will be the ages of your family members? Where will you live? What position do you want to hold in your business, community, church, other organizations? What income do you want to make? Be as specific as possible. Paint a clear picture. This should be 2-3 paragraphs long.

Whew!! That's a lot of work. This is a great time to take a break!!

Part II: Turning the Dreams into Measurable and Achievable Goals

4. Back up that 9 year vision to create a 3 year vision. Where do you need to be in 3 years to make the 9 year dream possible? This can be done with bullet points. Again, make it as clear as possible.

Write 3-5 goals for your 3 year vision. At least one for each of the following categories: Career, Family, Health (Physical, Spiritual, etc.)

5. Break up each of the goals from the above step into action steps with clear expectations and time lines.

6. Focus on the action steps that will be most relevant for the next year.

Congratulations!! You have meaningful, actionable steps that will lead you into a productive new year and toward the vision that God has planted in your heart!


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