Setting up and using Support Systems... behind the scenes is where the magic happens!

Behind every successful person is a tribe of other successful people who have their back.

Ever feel like you have too much to carry?

Maybe that's because you're trying to do it all on your own. Believe me. I've been there. 

Media, society, American culture....all of these seem to emphasize individualism, self-sustainability, and independence. 

Trying to accomplish all that we're given as parents, professionals, friends, board members, etc. is impossible on our own, however. And we're headed toward burn out quickly if we try.

Here's the FB live video for more on this topic: #ImpactCoachingMinis #7: Support Systems

We are created for relationship and interdependence.

GOD created each of us with a need for relationship--relationship with each other and relationship with GOD. We each have different strengths, gifts, and missions and we need each other to "fill in gaps."

So where are your gaps? The places that seem to fall through the cracks but make a big difference in your life?

Or, where are the places that would be easily (or somewhat easily) delegated to others who would be honored to serve or trade for services?

Some quick ideas:

  • child care (switch date nights with friends)

  • car pool

  • meal prep

  • small groups

  • prayer partners

  • virtual assistant

  • housekeeper

  • grocery services

Take a quick assessment of your support systems today. Where do you need help "picking up the slack"?


I have a Quarterly Review planned for tomorrow.... And I'm excited about it!!!


2018 is coming fast...Are you ready??