I have a Quarterly Review planned for tomorrow.... And I'm excited about it!!!

(What is this crazy planner-lady talking about? How can this possibly be fun?!?)

Well, let me start by saying I put 3 hours at a local coffee shop on my calendar! Which means...

No kids!

No laundry!

No dishes or cooking!

And no more Christmas clean-up staring at me!! (Please tell me I'm not alone. Please tell me your house looks like a toy-tornado came through!)

**Disclaimer: All of that WILL be waiting for me when I return. LOL

Anyone else ready to get away?!?!

Ok, now really. What's so great about getting away for a time of thinking and reflection? Well, for one thing, we can all learn from our past experiences, successes, and mistakes! Did you read the John Maxwell quote above? It's our thinking that helps us improve!

Also, consider this--GOD created YOU (and me!!) ON purpose and FOR a purpose! Do you ever forget that in your day-to-day activities? I know I sure do! Time away to deliberately think and pray gives space for this important time of reflection and renewal. What activities am I giving my time and energy to that are contributing positively to my purpose? What activities are taking away from my God-given purpose?

When you and I can make decisions about what our priorities are AHEAD of time, we can make better decisions in the midst of our everyday, chaotic life.

Do it!! Sometime in the next two weeks, plan a chunk of time away to THINK!

Ready to give it a try? Here are the simple steps:

1. Find a chunk of time and make arrangements (childcare, space, time, etc.) I suggest 1 hour minimum. I've set a 3 hour chunk. (I can always go home if I finish early......or maybe just read a book BY MYSELF!!)

2. Take the necessary supplies: calendar, journal, laptop (optional), book (optional)

3. Note the accomplishments, gratitude, prayers (answered and unanswered) over the last 3 months. Also, note the areas you still want to make growth.

4. Plan 3-4 goals you want to achieve the next 3 months. At least one in personal growth and one in career or calling. Put action steps with each of your goals.

5. Before you leave, put a similar time on your calendar for the end of March.

6. Repeat! :)


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