IMPACT Mastermind Celebration!

Women supporting women...that's powerful stuff!

I started this group right as I was transitioning jobs and struggling to manage my time and priorities. The group really provided practical support for planning, organizing, and reflecting on my "to-do" items, and also encouraged me when I doubted myself.

Women supporting women is so powerful.

Its life-giving.


  • A restaurant chain executive,

  • A restaurant owner,

  • A PA and co-founder of a construction business,

  • A chiropractor and clinic owner,

  • A pharmaceutical consultant and make-up consultant,

  • And a life coach.

What would bring all of these varied, successful, and driven women together?

...A Mastermind!

One thing I have learned over and over again in my two short years as a coach of women, is that we thrive in supportive and encouraging groups. A year ago I started offering Business Women Book Clubs and they were a hit! These busy moms and career-oriented ladies came for the topic-based discussion and solutions that I presented and left with new ideas, a fresh dose of courage, and a desire for more! Yep--the most consistent feedback I've received about the Book Clubs is the desire for them to be longer!

The Mastermind has given me friends like me who lift me up, pray for me, inspire me, give me ideas, and hold me accountable.

I highly recommend the experience--well worth the time and money.

Can't wait to do this again!


A desire of my own...

Not only was my IMPACT Tribe requesting a longer length group coaching opportunity, I desperately wanted one as well. But, not a group that would focus on one topic, instead I wanted to offer one that would be more individualized and tailored to the needs of each individual. 

I wanted to participate in a Mastermind with women that I trusted, respected, valued, and admired and I couldn't find I created it! 

I truly believe that when we quiet down, invite the LORD into our work, listen to our audience, and continue to learn and make adjustments as we go along, Psalm 37:4 can shine forth...

Take delight in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

The structure of the Mastermind is designed to help you specifically target roadblocks to your goal and identify resources needed to get through them. The team mentality in overcoming challenges was shocking at first and came to be my favorite part of our time. Watching each woman experience that intense support felt as good as receiving it myself. 


Who's Invited Next Time?

The most recent IMPACT Mastermind has come to a close and we are wrapping up private sessions in the next couple of weeks. Summer will be a little bit slower with more time for vacations and relaxed schedules, but FALL will be here soon enough and with it will come the next Mastermind!

Time frame--September through November, specific dates TBA

You may be wondering if the Mastermind would be a good fit for you, so here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you have a strong desire to have a successful business and/or career?

  • Is it difficult for you to balance work, family, and personal time?

  • Is your faith an important foundation in decision making (or would you like it to be?)

  • Do you wish you could develop relationships with like-minded women?

  • Are you a woman with big goals and desires, but you run out of time or energy to figure them out?

If you answered yes to a majority of these questions, you are likely a great candidate for the next Mastermind. Please, set up a phone call or coffee chat with me. We'll discuss your options and answer any questions.


Margin: Creating Space With Our Time


Forget the lie, we actually DO have time in abundance!