Leaving a Legacy

"Inheritance is what you leave FOR someone.

Legacy is what you leave IN someone."

Mark Batterson

Legacy is one of the core values of my coaching business. I know that as mothers, career-women, and faithful followers of Christ, one of our biggest desires is not just to provide for our children and others around us, but to instill in them something of value.

Some kind of wisdom or strength.

A belief in themselves and the world around them.

A way for you, and those around you, to make a true IMPACT on the world.

Some of the first recollections I have of the importance of this concept is from Dave Ramsey, FPU. He is famous for inspiring others to leave a legacy and "change your family tree." Dave talks about the inheritance that you can leave for your family, but also the legacy of financial health and "smarts." Of living in line with "God's and grandma's ways of handling money."

I know when I'm making wise choices with my finances, I'm not only leaving an inheritance of money for the generations to come, but I'm also instilling IN my children the value systems and beliefs that go along-side that work--in other words, leaving a LEGACY.

In the midst of folding laundry and listening to a podcast yesterday, I heard this gem. "Fruitfulness comes from rootfulness." Tom Ziglar. When you know the legacy you want to leave IN the people around you, you know the fruit you want to produce. The ability to produce that fruit comes from being firmly rooted in your faith, your strengths, and your calling--and that's likely to be different from others around you.

Leaving a legacy may feel like a daunting and overwhelming task. But, as Rachel Held Evans reminds me in Inspired, "The most important tasks of life are accomplished one day at a time." What are the every day tasks that you must focus on in order to leave behind the legacy you desire?

Never really thought about these things before? 

That's what coaching is for! Coaching gives you the time, tools, space, and direction for setting up a foundation based on YOUR legacy. You get to make decisions and design your life to produce the FRUIT that GOD has required of you.

Contact me today to set up a discovery session and see how coaching can help you meet your goals.


Say hello to new opportunities for connection!


Our Story of MARGIN-less Living