Say hello to new opportunities for connection!

I LOVE ? the start of a new school year and all the excitement for a fresh start that comes with it! 

Say Goodbye to Isolation...

Children, spouses, family, friends, workout buddies, church groups, car pool, work colleagues, clients, service providers, even social media...

How is it that we can be surrounded by people 24/7 and yet feel so isolated and alone in the world?

Then, we compare ourselves to others and think...

 They've got it all together. How come I'm having such a hard time??

It's a common struggle with those of us that are working hard in our careers, taking care of a family, and are busy with community activities. 

What are we looking for?

 Authentic, encouraging relationships with other women who aren't "faking it" around us anymore. Truth about the hard times and ideas for how to make real changes and adjustments--

no more quick fixes


That's why cultivating community is one of the biggest services I offer. I've discovered, in my time of coaching professional women, that the #1 thing YOU want is to be in community with other women who are figuring it out, too.

You're going to want to save this post for the next few months.

It's a quick reference guide to all the opportunities for community that are available this fall with Impact Life Coaching. If one of them sparks your interest, simply contact me for more info.

I can't wait to have you join in with this community of women making an 


 on the world around them!

Margin Book Club

Feeling stretched to the max?? Like there's no room for little accidents, sickness, emergencies, or even REST??

Get equipped with Tools for Creating Space in our busy lives.

Women will leave with a plan for creating margin in one area of their lives: physical energy, emotional energy, finances, or time

Three group coaching sessions--September 6, 13, & 20.

One private coaching session--week of September 23rd

$175 includes all coaching and materials

You can link to the FB event here.

IMPACT Mastermind

What is a mastermind? The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose in the spirit of harmony. 

~Napoleon Hill

This Mastermind is intended for women who own a business or work in a goal oriented career. They have a big target they are working toward and want the support, accountability, and encouragement of other women on similar journeys. 

A few of the benefits:

  • create success on your own terms

  • borrow on the success/experience of other members

  • receive critical insights

  • optimistic peer support

This is a big commitment and is ideal for those who are serious about reaching their goals. Check below for dates. Only 5 spots left!!

The One Thing Book Club

Have too many things vying for your attention? Can't decide what to focus on next? This book club will give you the opportunity to answer the question

What's the ONE THING I can focus on such that everything else becomes easier or unnecessary?

You'll craft a vision for where you want to go and make action steps for the best way to get there.

Three group coaching sessions--October 3, 10, & 17.

One private coaching session--week of October 21st

$175 includes all coaching and materials

Goal Setting Workshops

A half day intensive workshop. You get to make a plan for 2020!

This is the only co-ed event that I offer. Many of my clients come with their husbands so they can make decisions and dream together.

Collaborative Events

Bullet Journal Workshops--Have you tried a bullet journal! It's a fun, creative way to keep track of ALL THE THINGS!! Want to try one, but don't know how to get started? Have you started one and then got side-tracked because of overwhelm? We'll help you, too!

Jessie (from Well Mama Co.) and I are leading this fun, interactive workshop to help you set up your bullet journal for 2020!These will be fun and light-hearted gatherings. The only charge is for supplies.

Two chances to participate:

December 13th from 11:30 am-1 pm 

December 19th from 8-9:30 am

Cost $25

Gratitude Journal Workshops--Jessie is the QUEEN of gratitude and mindfulness. She leads a beautiful workshop that helps you dive into your creative side and find the time and space for gratitude. 

Two chances to participate:

November 1st--Wine Down Friday from 3-6 pm

November 9th--Muffins & Mimosas from 9 am-12 pm

Cost $60 

Here's to community and authentic connections that can help us grow and stay encouraged! You are not alone on your just have to find your TRIBE!!

Questions about what might be the best fit for you? I'd love to connect over the phone or a cup of coffee to help you discover your best options for coaching.

PS Yep. All of these are Conway-local events.

Interested in having something like this in your area? Message me! I'd love to discuss options for distance group activities. ?✌


ALL your burning ? questions about the Mastermind are answered!


Leaving a Legacy