ALL your burning ? questions about the Mastermind are answered!

Ok. Maybe not all, but the ones I get asked the most often!

If you read this and still want to know more, please let me know.

Who is the Mastermind for? ...Is it a good fit for me?

The IMPACT Mastermind is intended for Christian, women business owners and entrepreneurs. We have significant career goals and desires, but feel a strong pull to take care of our families and nurture our souls. It's easy for us to get sucked in to one area of life and feel as though we are "neglecting" others.

The women in this picture have a wide variety of careers and families. Some of the careers present: A chiropractor running her own clinic, pharmaceutical consultant, restaurant owner, PA helping run her husband's construction business, a corporate executive, and a makeup sales rep. These are all mothers of children ranging from 2 years old to 20 somethings.

This Mastermind is for you if you desire to have vigorous career and personal goals, a flexible schedule, and the desire to work hard alongside other women.

How is the Mastermind different than the Book Clubs?

There are two major differences:

1. The Book Clubs are topically based and everyone involved is working on one aspect of growth. For example, in the Margin Book Club everyone identifies an area where they would like to create space and they make an individualized plan toward that.

The Mastermind is goal oriented around each individual participant. We will NOT all be working toward the same goal. Rather, we each come with a goal that we'd like to accomplish and we work together as a "hive mind" to support each woman's achievement of her goal.

2. The time commitment is longer. Book Clubs last one month. The Mastermind is a three month relationship. We invest a greater deal of time and energy around creating deeper and more meaningful connections among members.

What types of goals are "appropriate" for the Mastermind?

Each woman will come to the Mastermind with a goal that she'd like to make progress toward in our time together. The goal can be centered around your career, personal needs, family, health, or any other area of need. All participants receive a COMPLEMENTARY lightning coaching session with me to select their goal before the Mastermind begins.

What are the benefits of participating in a group like this?

  • Create success on your own terms 

  • Shorten the learning curve--borrow the experience and skills of other members

  • Create action plans

  • Receive critical insights into yourself

  • Optimistic peer support

  • Shared endeavor

How do I find the time/money for this program?

The IMPACT Mastermind is a significant investment of money and time. It also will give you a significant return. The first decision you have to make is:

Do I want to make a big enough change in my life to justify the expense of time and money?

After you know that, we figure out the details.


As you can see below, the morning session is full. Are you able to take a longer lunch 1-2 Thursdays during the month? What do you need to rearrange in your schedule to make this happen? 

2. Money.

Have you ever heard the phrase, Put your money where your mouth is? Well, I don't mean to be crass about it, but if this is something that you've been talking about a lot and just have not been able to turn it into reality, maybe it's time to make that greater investment.

Or, For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:21) If it's been difficult for you to truly put your heart into something, maybe your treasure needs to go there first. 

I have options for payment plans, if that helps. 

I need to talk with my spouse/business partner about this. Do you have any suggestions?

I sure do! This is the perfect opportunity for your and your spouse or business partner to dream together. Where do you want to be in the next 3 years? What would you like 2020 to look like? Or even, how would you like to finish out the year?

After you've done that, if the Mastermind is still on the table as a possibility for assisting with your goals, I recommend looking at my Facebook page and using #IMPACTMastermind to find testimonies. It's always helpful to hear of other's experiences.

I'm not successful with my business yet. Is the time right for me?

Everyone that participates in the Mastermind would like to experience growth in their business and personal lives. None of us have reached the pinnacle of success. Also, there are no earnings or size requirements for your business in order to participate. It's strictly based on your own desires for growth, support, and encouragement. 

Tell me the fine print. Any other details I should know?

Here's what's included:

  • Six 90 minute group coaching sessions

  • Three private coaching sessions

  • One lightning coaching session to select a goal for the Mastermind

  • Closed message board

  • Three times in the Hot Seat

  • You and your business will be featured on the public Facebook page

  • Celebration!!!

  • Other VIP gifts and opportunities...I'm still dreaming about some of these!! ??

$795, with payment options available


What's the difference between a mentor and a coach?


Say hello to new opportunities for connection!