What's the difference between a mentor and a coach?

Sure, mentors are great! But, a coach is different.

Find out how!

In my early years teaching elementary school, I remember specifically looking up to one of the more experienced teachers as a guide. She was a gifted teacher and could help provide advice around classroom management, lesson planning, etc. It was a supportive relationship that helped me grow and mature in my profession.

Later, I was involved in a mothering group that surrounded me with women that were openly sharing their own parenting stories, setting a realistic example of what mothering could be like, and giving advice for how/when to start solids, ways to help my baby sleep better through the night, and so many other nuggets of wisdom.

These women were mentors in my life. And I'm eternally grateful for their influence.

I'm sure you can point to similar experiences.

What is a Mentor?

A mentor is someone who is more experienced than you in a particular area--someone who can provide guidance and give specific advice. A mentor is usually someone that you develop a relationship with and YOU feel they have expertise in an area in which you would like to grow.

EVERYONE should have mentors in their life! They're so valuable!!! You can seek out a mentor officially or, sometimes, you can "happen" upon one unofficially--all of a sudden you realize how helpful and instructive the relationship has been to you. Most of the time, an IRL (In Real Life) mentor can have the most impact, but a celebrity (on-line, book, podcast, etc) mentor can be effective as well. I know several people that consider Rachel Held Evans to be a spiritual mentor, or Brene Brown to be a vulnerability mentor.

This week, I'm working with our local university outreach program to train mentors for the Women's Leadership Network. The intention of the program is created for women, by women, to support women who are seasoned or aspirant leaders in the home, at work or in the community. 

In what areas of your life has it been helpful to have a mentor? Or where would you like to develop a mentor relationship?

How is that different than coaching?

In a coaching relationship, the CLIENT is the expert. There is always a formal agreement or contract and the purpose is specifically goal/action oriented.

The coach brings expertise in following a process, helping the client to see the BIG PICTURE of where they are headed, and providing a kit of tools, strategies, and skills that assist the client in meeting their goal.

A quality coach has training in how to best serve their clients, keeps a professional relationship, and supports their clients strengths. 

When you are ready to "get down to business" and make significant shifts or transformations, a coach is a total game-changer.

Where are you experiencing stagnation? Is there a place where you seem to keep hitting the same road blocks again and again? Does an area of life stick out as "out of sync" with the rest of the picture? These are places a coach can have the most influence!

"Selena creates an environment where you can find solutions to your challenges and create your best life... with atomic changes."

Barbara, IMPACT Mastermind

There's still time for you to join us in the Conway area for the IMPACT Mastermind! 

The Wednesday morning group is full, but I am taking names for the waiting list. Limited spots are available in the Thursday lunch group, so contact me quickly if you're interested or have any questions.

Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity!


Goal Setting...Laying a Solid Foundation


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