Selena's Favorite Books of All Time

Take a look on my bookshelf at some of my favorites. Each one has been read MULTIPLE times!

This is in no particular order.

I start every day with this one!

The Bible.

As a Christian, it's the most important book I can read!

Ways I use the Bible: specific Bible study, individual verses that help me with an issue, verse for my business or life, verses for a season, favorite books (mine happen to be 1 & 2 Timothy), and daily reading.

Ways I access the Bible: Olive Tree Bible App, NIV Life Application Study Bible with Mike & Selena in gold embossed letters (given to us by Mike's parents as a wedding gift), Daily Audio Bible (I'll tell you more about this one in a sec.), and various studies.

In times of trouble: Just a few months ago, sitting in the waiting room of the ER, I was very grateful for quick and easy access to my Bible app. My brain and heart were overwhelmed with emotions. All I could do was pull up the Psalms and mindlessly read the words that were penned centuries ago and have brought comfort to many. 

Every day access: Now, back to the Daily Audio Bible. This program has helped me "read" through the entire Bible! There are several ways to listen, I use the phone app. Brian Hardin (the founder) reads through a selection from the Old Testament, New Testament, a Psalm, and a Proverb every day. Some days he follows up with a devotional. Every day's reading is ended in prayer. If you listen every day, you will get through the entire Bible in a year. I'm on my 4th year! What a change in my life and spiritual journey to have a more complete picture of the Bible that reading it's entirety can bring!

Daily Audio Bible

Harry Potter...Once I start, I can't put it down!!!

I am a Harry Potter fanatic!!! I think I've read these books about 7 times. Meaning from The Sorcerer's Stone all the way to Deathly Hallows. So, I can't let myself start reading or listening to the books unless I know I have the time to read all the way through! I'll get irresponsible and start ignoring all of my other obligations.

Confession: About half of those times have been the audio book version, read by Jim Dale. (We have to do something on all of our long cross-country car trips!! And the kids LOVE it. <3

This picture was taken on my birthday when Mike took me to Universal Studios to see The Wizarding World of Harry Potter!! Yummy Butterbeer!! Mmmmm....

PS I don't really like the movies that much. I'm kind of a book snob when it comes to HP.

Meaningful Goal Setting

I was first introduced to Success is Not an Accident in my Jewelry Lady days, about 10 years ago. Author Tommy Newberry happens to be a success coach and outlines meaningful activities and strategies for setting goals and living a purposeful life. He is a Christian and gives Biblical perspectives for the importance of goal setting, but it is not a "Bible Study" type of read. It's very powerful and intense!

I've reread and gone back to this book several times. Most specifically at transition times when my goals and purpose needed a "reboot." I've also found it very helpful in working with clients! It's one of the main resources I use in my VIP Goal Setting Session.

Success is Not an Accident

Help for a New Mother

The whole library of books by Dr. Sears were highly influential to the development of my parenting style and strategy. This particular book covers EVERYTHING that a new parent needs to know about caring for babies. I used it as a reference guide for both Beka and Glendon. But, do you want to know the most important thing I learned from this book? And what has caused me to hold on to it all this time? This lesson right here:


Life changer.

The Baby Book

Family Memories

My Grandma Houston wrote and bound this labor of love. She worked on it for over a year. Writing stories, sharing memories, gathering pictures, and having my grandpa type everything on the computer for her.

That Christmas she carefully wrapped 4 copies and delivered them to her 4 children. This May, I got to take home my dad's copy. 

What a gift! What a treasure!

If any of you have the opportunity to write your family story, DO IT! It is such a comfort and keeps memories fresh and alive.


You are what you listen to...


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