You are what you listen to...

Find out where I get a lot of my inspiration and some of the thought leaders in my life. These people help keep me motivated on my goals every day!

The Dave Ramsey Show

WHAT: A talk radio show that teaches God's and Grandma's ways of handling money. Dave has been teaching budgeting basics, debt reduction, saving, and outrageous giving for over 25 years. It's a call-in radio show with real people getting real solutions.

WHY: I listen to keep my motivation up for becoming debt free and being wise with money. It's a difficult journey, especially in this consumer-driven, self-promoting society.

DEETS: 3-40 minute episodes M-F

WHEN: I love to listen as I'm doing dishes, folding laundry, or cooking dinner. It's a busy time at home with the kids and I don't have to listen carefully to the podcast. It's just nice background as I'm working.

CAUTION: Dave is very socially conservative. He can also go on rants that you may or may not agree with. I often skip these episodes.

MY FAVE: I LOVE the debt free screams!!! I tear up almost every time I hear about a family or single that has released the burden of debt and the freedom that comes as a result.

Dave Ramsey Show

Entrepreneurs on Fire

WHAT: A daily podcast with interviews of (mostly) on-line entrepreneurs by John Lee Dumas. You learn about their business lows, highs, and tips for others.

WHY: I listen to learn about what others are doing in the on-line world and what options are available for me to expand my business. I also appreciate the inspiration of listening to others who have owned their business.

DEETS: Less than 30 minute episode every day.

WHEN: I listen as I'm getting ready for the day.

CAUTION: This is mostly of interest to driven-business minded people.

MY FAVE: I've learned a lot about the possibilities that are available to me for growing my business. It's also a good resource for learning about other thought leaders.


Confidence on the Go

WHAT: Trish is a confidence coach and personal trainer who labels herself as a "recovering perfectionist." She has suffered from a lack of confidence in the past and has systematic and understandable methods for finding confidence in your own life.

WHY: I think I stumbled on Trish when she interviewed on EOFire! I just loved her energy she seems to always be talking about issues that meet a need in my life. I mean, what woman out there doesn't need a confidence boost?!

DEETS: approx 30 min podcast released every Tuesday

WHEN: This is my favorite podcast while I'm running. She has enough energy to entertain me on a run and the positive message inspires me to keep going. 

CAUTION: She gives a short commercial for her Beauty Counter business at the beginning of every episode. It's not too long or over the top, but it's always there.

MY FAVE: Her real-life examples and how she applies the teaching to her own life. C

Confidence on the Go

Fresh Air

WHAT: Terry Gross interviews celebrities, news reporters, authors, and others on interesting topics. 

WHY: I learn more about celebrities that I find interesting and about current events that are complex and multi-faceted.

DEETS: approx 40 min episode released M-F

WHEN: This is another one I listen to in our busy afternoons while I'm taking care of children and house-hold chores.

CAUTION: Every episode may not be of interest. I really like most of them, and others I just skip over.

MY FAVE: I appreciate Terry's respect of those she's interviewing.

Fresh Air

The RobCast

WHAT: Rob Bell is a former pastor and has written a library of books about spirituality, faith, and the Bible. This podcast features sermons and interviews of interesting people (including Elizabeth Gilbert, Pete Rollins, etc.). 

WHY: Rob gives a theological perspective that I don't hear a lot of in mainstream media. It is deep and thought provoking.

DEETS: Length around an hour. No steady rhythm to the publishing of the podcast, just whenever he has time/energy.

WHEN: I enjoy to listen to these on a car ride. Sometimes, Mike and I listen together on a road trip.

CAUTION: Rob will take what you think you know about Christianity and flip it on it's head. He has a huge amount of respect and reverence for God, Jesus, and tradition, but will challenge you on modern ideas. If you see faith as black and white, you may want to stay away.

MY FAVE: I enjoy having my thinking challenged and prodded. It gives me a stronger faith once I put it all back together. GOD IS AWESOME!

The RobCast


Let's talk about perfectionism and comparisons... Part 1 of 3


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