Tired of the same ol' boring goals?

Learn the key aspects of goals that will motivate you and bring excitement long into the new year.

A fun vision board highlighting some of my goals for 2017.

I know, I know....

You're not ready to talk 2018 goals yet! But, who needs a new year to set goals? Often, those New Year's Resolutions are not that meaningful anyway. That's not what we're talking about here, folks.

I've got a few tips to help goal setting be more enjoyable, achievable, motivational, and "stick-able" for you!


What are the top 3-5 values that drive your decisions and priorities? Let's go ahead and identify them. This will give you an unbelievable level of motivation and allow you a different perspective on obstacles.

A couple TOP SECRET coaching questions to identify your core values:

  • Where do you invest the best of your time, money, and energy?

  • What do you take the most pride in? What most excites you?

Here are mine:

Faith, Family, Health, Leadership, Loyalty


What does this mean? Well, simply that you are a multi-faceted human being pulled in several different directions. Can you excel at all of them? NO! You must choose those top 3-4 that are most essential to your happiness and play to your strengths. Then, you base your goals around the roles you play in life--making sure to have one goal in each area. This helps prevent burnout, supports self-care, and acknowledges the importance of each.

A couple TOP SECRET coaching questions to identify your ROLES:

  • What's your ideal weekly schedule? Who is a part of that?

  • What recurring activities cause you to feel "off-purpose"?

  • Where do your strengths (spiritual, professional, emotional) show up?

Here are mine:

Wife, Mother, Spiritual Leader, Coach

Want some help setting values-based and role-centric goals?

I'd love to walk along-side you in crafting a new type of goal!

Local folks can take advantage of my upcoming Goal Setting Workshop.

Long distance friends interested?

Get on my tele-conference wait list!

Just contact me via phone or email. 

Want more personalized service?

We can set up the experience that will best fit your needs.


For everything there is a season...


Isn't Confidence Just Another Form of Pride? Part 3 of 3