Top 5 Tips for Making Goals in the New Year, Part 3 of 3

Are you enjoying your holiday season?

The day after Christmas we loaded up our family of 5 into the van and headed down to Florida to enjoy the sunshine, time to relax, and hug precious necks!  We are so enjoying our break and special time with family. Right now we are in Venice, Florida with Mike's parents.The picture above is at Disney Springs yesterday with our dear friends, the Nelson family.As a church ministry family, the Advent season can be especially busy and tiring. I'm sorry I've been neglecting you all for a while. The hustle, bustle, and activity-centered time wears me out! My introverted brain has a hard time functioning and keeping up.I was just laughing with my running buddies last week about how long it was taking me to form sentences and make decisions.??This break is doing me good and the neurons are beginning to fire again! ??So, let's finish up this series on setting goals for the new year. Everyone's jumping on that train, this last day of 2018. We're ready to start fresh in 2019...and I'd love to help you!


Tip One: What is success? Consider and write down a personal definition.Tip Two: Cast a 9 year vision.Tip Three: Write 3-5 goals for the next year.Tip Four: Make sure your goals are SMARTER!See previous emails/blogs for more info.

Tip Five: Review Often

This final tip is one of the most helpful of all and is KEY to making your goals last throughout the year. It's important to monitor the progress you're making on your goals, to keep them top of mind, make adjustments, and plan the steps that need to happen next.I suggest that you schedule time on your calendar and make it a part of your routine.Here are some suggested review times:

  • Daily--first thing in the morning or at the end of the day

  • Weekly--I do this on Sunday, in preparation for the week ahead. I can make sure I've got time for my most important tasks that week and eliminate the tasks that don't fit.

  • Quarterly--an hour or two every three months can be a real benefit to setting up the next section of your year. You can get a nicer bird's eye view on where obstacles are creeping up and make changes to your strategy.

Here's my gift to you....a pdf with all the tips easily outlined! You can keep it at your desk for quick reference.5 Tips for making goals

I wish you all the best in 2019!!

Please let me know about what goals you're choosing to set for the next year. I'd love to offer you my help and encouragement!


A Week in the Life


Top 5 Tips for Making Goals in the New Year, Part 2 of 3