Book Review: Thou Shall Prosper

Thou Shall Prosper, 2edRabbi Daniel LapinBeing an avid listener of both Dave Ramsey (author of The Total Money Makeover and creator of Financial Peace University) and Christy Wright (founder and creator of the Business Boutique) I hear lots of references to Rabbi Daniel Lapin and this book.

When you SERVE in the marketplace your customers give you Certificates of Appreciation with president’s faces on them.Rabbi Daniel Lapin

As a woman business owner, I feel a great responsibility to make wise decisions with the money that goes through my hands and have a lot to learn around the subject. So, I decided to check this book out from our local library.

Brief Overview: Rabbi Lapin provides some education on what has contributed to the Jewish understanding of wealth and money. He gives 10 Commandments around prosperity that are founded in Jewish theology and teachings, but will apply to any willing learner.

Here's what I liked and appreciated about the book: The common belief of business as a greedy, self-centered, and evil entity is strongly challenged. Lapin recognizes the dignity and generosity of businesses and business-professionals that is sorely lacking in today's media. Strong businesses that are really serving the marketplace are bringing significant value to those around them. There are, of course, unethical people and companies, but they are the exception rather than the rule. 

Commandment One: Believe in the Dignity & Morality of Business

A bit of honesty: I had to renew this book 2 times!!! The content is good, but challenging and a bit of a laborious read.

Some of the ideas I'm still wrestling with: Lapin's commentary on the poor and the environment had truth, but challenged much of what I believe about the role of government. I absolutely see the value in reading a perspective different than mine and of those of many in my inner circle. It allows me to make a more educated decision for myself and what I believe to be good and loving toward others. 

Commandment Five: Do Not Pursue Perfection

My rating: 3 out of 5 stars, mostly due to the laborious reading, not due to the content

My next move: Keep reading about money, stewardship, business, and the intersection of the three. Keep pushing myself and learning more and, by doing so, take more responsibility for the resources God continues to place in my circle of influence.


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